sábado, 29 de setembro de 2012
Nathan na revista Geek Magazine
Confiram a capa da revista Geek Magazine de outubro na qual é o Nathan Fillion. Ela comecara a ser vendida dia 08.
Fonte: Geek Exchange
Spoiler - TV Line
Castle | Despite Rick and Kate putting on their best poker faces, their secret relationship will slowly be exposed during the first third of the season — and, ironically, not necessarily by either of their two detective pals. Tamala Jones teases a “fun” upcoming scene in which Esposito and Ryan “are trying to figure out why Beckett’s glowing, and who’s the new boyfriend.” As Lanie absorbs all the assorted intel, then pairs it with an odd observation of her own, “She kind of figures it out,” the actress shares. (And yes, Lanie herself is still enjoying “a little booty call action with Esposito,” Jones confirms.)
sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2012
Sneak Peek #1 Castle 5x02 [Estendida]
So tem de novo o finalzinho, mas mesmo assim postei pra voces!
[Entrevista] Jon Huertas - Wetpaint
Confira a entrevista que o Jon Huertas deu para o Wetpaint. Ele fala sobre a 5 temporada e sobre Ryan e Esposito.
Wetpaint Entertainment: Should we expect Ryan and Esposito’s friendship to be instantly patched?
Jon Huertas: No. It's not going to be instant. We have to figure out how to get over that hump, that little speed bump. So I think it's not going to be forever that we're back into our bromance, as they say. But I think it's an interesting way that we come back together, and we fully invest into the friendship again. It's around Episode 3, I think, is where we'll see it.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Wetpaint
Wetpaint Entertainment: Should we expect Ryan and Esposito’s friendship to be instantly patched?
Jon Huertas: No. It's not going to be instant. We have to figure out how to get over that hump, that little speed bump. So I think it's not going to be forever that we're back into our bromance, as they say. But I think it's an interesting way that we come back together, and we fully invest into the friendship again. It's around Episode 3, I think, is where we'll see it.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Wetpaint
quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2012
Mudanca ordem episodios
Houve uma troca na ordem de exibicao dos episodios da 5 temporada. Confiram:
05x04 - Murder, He Wrote
05x05 - Probable Cause
05x06 - Swan Song
Fonte: Facebook
quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012
[Entrevista] Andrew M. - TV Guide
Andrew deu uma entrevista ao TV Guide falando sobre a 5 temporada de Castle. Confiram:
You promised to solve Beckett's mother's murder once and for all this season, but we didn't think it'd be so soon! Is Sen. Bracken really as far as this thing goes?
Andrew W. Marlowe: That mystery is over. We know all the answers we need to know. Now the question is: How is Beckett going to live with it? We have Sen. Bracken out in the universe. Are their paths going to cross again? And when? We know that Beckett still wants justice, but she can't get it right now. But at least she knows whom she needs to bring to justice. We feel like we've closed one chapter and opened another. What we see at the end of "After the Storm" is a Beckett who's grown. I think if it had been earlier in our run, we would have seen a much more vengeful Beckett. But she walks into a situation and ultimately makes the right choice for her and for all the people around her. She's going to get this guy the right way.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: TV Guide
You promised to solve Beckett's mother's murder once and for all this season, but we didn't think it'd be so soon! Is Sen. Bracken really as far as this thing goes?
Andrew W. Marlowe: That mystery is over. We know all the answers we need to know. Now the question is: How is Beckett going to live with it? We have Sen. Bracken out in the universe. Are their paths going to cross again? And when? We know that Beckett still wants justice, but she can't get it right now. But at least she knows whom she needs to bring to justice. We feel like we've closed one chapter and opened another. What we see at the end of "After the Storm" is a Beckett who's grown. I think if it had been earlier in our run, we would have seen a much more vengeful Beckett. But she walks into a situation and ultimately makes the right choice for her and for all the people around her. She's going to get this guy the right way.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: TV Guide
Spoiler - TV Guide
Loved the Castle premiere, but what was Castle doing with a half-naked woman in the promos for the next episode?
ADAM: As creator Andrew W. Marlowe already teased, that encounter is a consequence of Castle pretending to be single in order to keep his relationship with Beckett a secret from their co-workers. But that doesn't mean infidelity won't be an issue. An upcoming case will implicate Castle in the murder of an ex. "It makes everybody question: How well do we actually know this guy?" Marlowe says. But it gets worse: "Castle may have been having an affair with her at the same time he was dating Beckett," he teases. "That goes to the heart of all of Beckett's insecurities."
Fonte: TV Guide
Tamala comenta episodio 5x01
A Tamala comentou sobre o episodio de Castle 5x01 ''After The Storm'' no AfterBuzz TV:
Spoiler - Ausiello
Question: Wow! I loved the Castle premiere! What a strong start to the season! Anything new you can share? —Cheryl
Ausiello: The top-secret “Caskett” coupling will start to come to light when a member of the team rings Beckett… and, well, she’s not the person who answers.
Fonte: TV Line
Audiencia Castle 5x01 - After The Storm
Castle 5x01 ''After The Storm'': 11.38 milhões de telespectadores
segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2012
[Entrevista] Stana - The Insider
Em entrevista ao The Insider, Stana contou sobre a 5 temporada de Castle. Falou sobre Castle e Beckett, e o que espera da temporada.
Insider.com: What excites you about playing Kate in this relationship?
Stana: As an actor, it's an opportunity to explore more of the character. We've seen Kate in relationships in the past, but it's always been from a peripheral viewpoint. Now we're in it with both of them. It's exciting because this is the kind of story that creates opportunity to understand the more intimate sides of a person, whether it's sensual or vulnerable. They are each other's best friends, they're working companions and now they're lovers. That's an extra shade that I think will add to some wonderful complications and subtext to things that traditionally go on in any kind of crime drama.
Leia toda entrevista aqui: The Insider
Episodio da semana: 5x01 ''After The Storm''
E o episodio de Castle dessa semana é a SP de Castle, 5x01 ''After The Storm''. Confira as informacoes:
Dia: 24 de Setembro de 2012
Hora: 10/9c (23:00 hrs no Brasil)
Canal: ABC
EM INGLES (sem legenda)
Links para assistir: http://ufreetv.com/abc.html
Sinopse: Depois de quatro temporadas de "será que vai" ou "será que não", Richard Castle e Kate Beckett finalmente cederam aos seus sentimentos na mais aguardada final da 4ª Temporada. A 5 ª Temporada começa na manhã seguinte, com Castle e Beckett enfrentando novas perguntas - Foi uma aventura de só uma noite, ou agora eles são um casal? Mas, antes de encontrar as respostas, eles devem enfrentar as forças responsáveis pelo assassinato de mãe da Beckett, que agora ameaçam a vida de Kate Beckett. (by: Tumblr)
Dia: 24 de Setembro de 2012
Hora: 10/9c (23:00 hrs no Brasil)
Canal: ABC
EM INGLES (sem legenda)
Links para assistir: http://ufreetv.com/abc.html
Sinopse: Depois de quatro temporadas de "será que vai" ou "será que não", Richard Castle e Kate Beckett finalmente cederam aos seus sentimentos na mais aguardada final da 4ª Temporada. A 5 ª Temporada começa na manhã seguinte, com Castle e Beckett enfrentando novas perguntas - Foi uma aventura de só uma noite, ou agora eles são um casal? Mas, antes de encontrar as respostas, eles devem enfrentar as forças responsáveis pelo assassinato de mãe da Beckett, que agora ameaçam a vida de Kate Beckett. (by: Tumblr)
[Entrevista] Stana - Hollywood Reporter
Stana deu uma entrevista ao Hollywood Reporter sobre a 5 temporada de Castle. Ela contou como vai ser a temporada para Castle e Beckett, que vai ser dificil manter o relacionamento em segredo e sobre os desafios. Contou tambem sobre o seu filme CBGB.
The Hollywood Reporter: The season premiere picks up moments after season four left off. Where do we see Castle and Beckett in the opening moments and what can we expect?
Stana Katic: Season five starts off a couple of hours after season four ended. It's exciting because it's the first few moments of Castle and Beckett together, in a way. It's the aftermath of all of the wonderful things that have happened. Does this mean it's something real and how do they navigate through that? Then of course, the kingpin behind Beckett's mother's murder is still at large and that isn't locked up at the end of season four. We come one huge step forward on that story line and hopefully there is more resolution for the audience. Definitely there's a big payoff.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter: The season premiere picks up moments after season four left off. Where do we see Castle and Beckett in the opening moments and what can we expect?
Stana Katic: Season five starts off a couple of hours after season four ended. It's exciting because it's the first few moments of Castle and Beckett together, in a way. It's the aftermath of all of the wonderful things that have happened. Does this mean it's something real and how do they navigate through that? Then of course, the kingpin behind Beckett's mother's murder is still at large and that isn't locked up at the end of season four. We come one huge step forward on that story line and hopefully there is more resolution for the audience. Definitely there's a big payoff.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Hollywood Reporter
[Entrevista] Stana - HuffPost TV
Stana respondeu algumas perguntas do HuffPost TV. Veja:
Last season’s finale made fans, myself included, so happy. Having played one half of these duo for so many years now, how did you feel about the hookup finally happening?
Oh I’m very happy, of course. I think that we couldn’t stretch it any further -- it happened at the right time. We have been on this journey with these two characters for four years, and they have been through every sort of danger and life-harrowing experience, and I think that it needed to happen. They had a rough year last year, of course … they were both keeping secrets from each other, thinking that it was in the best interest of the other person. It was great to see the evolution of the characters culminate in the two of them finally admitting their feelings for one another.
Confira todas as perguntas: HuffPost TV
Spoiler - Zap2it
"Castle": Nerd alert! In an upcoming episode, Castle and Beckett will be investigating a murder that takes place at SuperNovaCon, a science fiction convention not unlike Comic-Con. The victim and her best friend were working on creating the "Nebula-9 Fan Experience" for the con when tragedy struck.
Fonte: zap2it
[Entrevista] Tamala Jones - Wetpaint
Tamala deu uma entrevista para o Wetpaint sobre a 5 temporada de Castle. Ela contou que essa temporada sera diferente de todas que ja vimos, que esta mais sexy e louca. Que o Nathan e a Stana estao em uma perfeita sincronia, como nunca vista. E para a alegria de alguns, que o Nathan esta malhando ( contou que ja da ate pra ver os peitorais).
You have said that Castle and Beckett are ridiculously hot this season. What is the hottest thing you’ve witnessed between the pair so far?
Well, I can just tell just the on-set energy is magnetic, those two. We are all in sync, but those two they are really in sync this season.
Stana shows up and her body is bangin’! I’m like, "Have you been doing lunges?" That butt is sitting up! I had to hit it a little bit. I’m like, "I’m sorry, it was an accident … or no it wasn’t, I just needed to see!" She looks like a supermodel when she steps on set. From the last season until now, I was like, wow, gorgeous. Nathan, you can tell he’s been working out. You can see the pecs — they’re coming in, honey and he’s all leaned out. It’s so sexy down there! It is like a party every day!
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Wetpaint
You have said that Castle and Beckett are ridiculously hot this season. What is the hottest thing you’ve witnessed between the pair so far?
Well, I can just tell just the on-set energy is magnetic, those two. We are all in sync, but those two they are really in sync this season.
Stana shows up and her body is bangin’! I’m like, "Have you been doing lunges?" That butt is sitting up! I had to hit it a little bit. I’m like, "I’m sorry, it was an accident … or no it wasn’t, I just needed to see!" She looks like a supermodel when she steps on set. From the last season until now, I was like, wow, gorgeous. Nathan, you can tell he’s been working out. You can see the pecs — they’re coming in, honey and he’s all leaned out. It’s so sexy down there! It is like a party every day!
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Wetpaint
domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012
[Entrevista] Stana Katic - GMMR
Stana deu uma entrevista ao Give Me My Remote sobre a 5 temporada de Castle. Ela contou que Kate esta realmente apaixonada pelo Castle, contou tambem que vai ser dificil esconder o relacionamento deles mas que é preciso. Confiram:
“It’s exciting,” Stana Katic (Beckett) told me. “We’ve always seen Beckett on these peripheral viewpoints when it came to her relationships. I think that it’s nice to see what it means to be that character from the inside of that relationship. I think there’s a different quality to the character when she’s vulnerable and involved physically and on a deeper emotional level with someone. So it’s nice. It’s been really quite a lot of fun to play.”
“At this point, we’re actually watching these two figure out what it means to be in a relationship with each other,” she continued. “And it is different, definitely. She’s sensual and sensitive and strong-willed and all of those subtle elements we’ve seen on-screen before, but it’s amplified because there’s more at stake. Her heart is at stake with this guy.”
Leia toda entrevista aqui: GMMR
“It’s exciting,” Stana Katic (Beckett) told me. “We’ve always seen Beckett on these peripheral viewpoints when it came to her relationships. I think that it’s nice to see what it means to be that character from the inside of that relationship. I think there’s a different quality to the character when she’s vulnerable and involved physically and on a deeper emotional level with someone. So it’s nice. It’s been really quite a lot of fun to play.”
“At this point, we’re actually watching these two figure out what it means to be in a relationship with each other,” she continued. “And it is different, definitely. She’s sensual and sensitive and strong-willed and all of those subtle elements we’ve seen on-screen before, but it’s amplified because there’s more at stake. Her heart is at stake with this guy.”
Leia toda entrevista aqui: GMMR
sábado, 22 de setembro de 2012
Participação em Castle

No episodio que sera baseado em uma convencao de Comic-Con, tera a participacao de Ed Quinn de Eureka. Ele interpretara um ex astro da TV, cuja carreira e vida pessoal tem ido ao brejo desde quando o programa foi cancelado. O nome do personagem é capitao Max Richards.
Fonte: insidetv
[Entrevista] Stana Katic - Xfinity
A Stana Katic deu uma entrevista ao Xfinity. Ela contou como foi as gravacoes de After The Storm junto com o Nathan, como interpretou Beckett depois de anos de tensao de Caskett, e como vai ser a temporada.
What was it like filming that sexy morning after scene with Nathan Fillion?
It was very easy.
You have played the tension between Beckett and Castle for all these years. What was it like finally letting it all go and showing the relaxed, playful side of Beckett that the audience has never really gotten to see?
I think that’s going to be kind of the theme of this season. We’re seeing both of these characters in the inside of a meaningful relationship. That’s part of the charm of this season, and part of the cheekiness of this season is discovering what it means to be inside a relationship with those two characters. Beckett dated Josh and Castle had a couple relationships here and there. But we’ve always been pretty much on the outside of those experiences. We’re discovering all of the wonderful journeys that those two characters would make when they’re getting to know each other that way.
Leia tudo aqui: xfinity
What was it like filming that sexy morning after scene with Nathan Fillion?
It was very easy.
You have played the tension between Beckett and Castle for all these years. What was it like finally letting it all go and showing the relaxed, playful side of Beckett that the audience has never really gotten to see?
I think that’s going to be kind of the theme of this season. We’re seeing both of these characters in the inside of a meaningful relationship. That’s part of the charm of this season, and part of the cheekiness of this season is discovering what it means to be inside a relationship with those two characters. Beckett dated Josh and Castle had a couple relationships here and there. But we’ve always been pretty much on the outside of those experiences. We’re discovering all of the wonderful journeys that those two characters would make when they’re getting to know each other that way.
Leia tudo aqui: xfinity
sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012
[Entrevista] Stana Katic - Zap2it
A Stana deu uma entrevista para o Zap2it contando sobre a 5 temporada de Castle. Falou sobre como vai ser o relacionamento de Castle e Beckett daqui pra frente. Fala tambem como vai ser dificil esconder o relacionamento dos dois de todos, que todos vao desconfiar.
So naturally, our first question to Stana was, "How's the sex?"
"Phenomenal!" she replied. "Could not be any less than phenomenal."
Don't expect any PDA just yet though. "The NYPD has a strict policy about coworkers dating -- they don't allow it," notes Stana. "So Castle and Beckett are forced to keep it quiet because they risk losing the working relationship. They're obviously a powerful crimefighting duo and aren't willing to compromise that. They have to be lovers [!!!] on the sly and keep it quiet for a while."
Leia tudo aqui: zap2it
So naturally, our first question to Stana was, "How's the sex?"
"Phenomenal!" she replied. "Could not be any less than phenomenal."
Don't expect any PDA just yet though. "The NYPD has a strict policy about coworkers dating -- they don't allow it," notes Stana. "So Castle and Beckett are forced to keep it quiet because they risk losing the working relationship. They're obviously a powerful crimefighting duo and aren't willing to compromise that. They have to be lovers [!!!] on the sly and keep it quiet for a while."
Leia tudo aqui: zap2it
Titulo Castle 5x06 e 5x07
Nomes dos episodios 5x06 e 5x07 de Castle:
5x06 - Probable Cause
5x07 - The Final Frontier
5x06 - Probable Cause
5x07 - The Final Frontier
[Entrevista] Stana Katic - TV Line
Confira a entrevista que a TV Line fez com a Stana Katic sobre a 5 temporada de Castle.
TVLINE | Talk about how [series creator] Andrew [Marlowe] first presented it to you that he was going to “pull the trigger” on Beckett and Castle and make that finally happen.
I was vocal about the fact that I felt that they needed to get together, because in my perspective there’s only so far that you can go with that kind of romantic tension. There’s a point where either it happens, or you risk being dishonest and pulling on audience’s heartstrings or whatever just for the sake of maintaining that audience, or because people fear that when there is no tension in that way that you lose interest. I don’t really believe that, so I felt like if we prolonged that, it would just be unplayable, unbearable. So I was told a couple of episodes before the finale, and I knew that they were going to try to sprinkle in notes to justify that happening at the end of the finale. I’ve been for it for a while, so I thought it was about time.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: TV Line
TVLINE | Talk about how [series creator] Andrew [Marlowe] first presented it to you that he was going to “pull the trigger” on Beckett and Castle and make that finally happen.
I was vocal about the fact that I felt that they needed to get together, because in my perspective there’s only so far that you can go with that kind of romantic tension. There’s a point where either it happens, or you risk being dishonest and pulling on audience’s heartstrings or whatever just for the sake of maintaining that audience, or because people fear that when there is no tension in that way that you lose interest. I don’t really believe that, so I felt like if we prolonged that, it would just be unplayable, unbearable. So I was told a couple of episodes before the finale, and I knew that they were going to try to sprinkle in notes to justify that happening at the end of the finale. I’ve been for it for a while, so I thought it was about time.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: TV Line
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