quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

SPOILER Ask Ausiello & Mega Buzz

I know Castle is trying to keep Castle and Beckett apart, but why is he acting like such a brat? — Liz
He's just being a man, creator Andrew W. Marlowe says. "Men in general usually don't confront their feelings," he says of Castle's reaction to learning that Beckett remembers Castle's declaration of love. "He's certainly not the type of person to go up to Beckett and say, 'Hey, you hurt me!' because that would be exposing himself. He's expressing his anger with Beckett, and whether he knows it or not, he's trying to punish her without really putting his cards on the table." But don't worry: Beckett will soon figure out what set Castle off, thanks to another revealing chat with her therapist.

Question: Any new information on Tahmoh Penikett’s role in the Castlefinale? —Jesse

Ausiello:  Come on, Jesse. His character is cold, calculated and ex-military. And it’s the season finale. Think. You can do this.

Fonte: TV Guide

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