sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Bastidores de Castle 4x21

Former Firefly co-stars Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin are the talk of the town after Monday night's episode of Castle, but we'd be remiss if we didn't celebrate the awesomeness of Seamus Dever and Jon Huertas. (Sorry, Slaughter. We said "awesome.")

As always, Seamus and Jon delivered impeccable performances as Detective Ryan and Detective Esposito. But the duo didn't just provide their standard comic relief in Season 4, Episode 21: "Headhunters" — they went above and beyond, saving Castle and Slaughter from a potentially deadly shootout with a dangerous Mexican gang.

We applaud all four actors for their "badassery" (in the words of one of Castle's production assistants), and present to you this awesome (oops, said it again) behind-the-scenes picture of Jon, Nathan, Adam, and Seamus posting up on set.

FONTE: Wetpaint

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