Now that Castle Season 4 is over, what’s a poor, addicted fan to do? Use your imagination to concoct all the crazy-awesome things you hope will happen in the fall, obviously!
In a perfect world, tomorrow would be September and we’d all already know what happened the morning after Castle and Beckett’s first sexy midnight tryst. But since time travel has yet to be perfected (somebody get on that, please!), we had to come up with a few other creative ways to deal with Castle withdrawal.
That said, we’ve come up with a few fun, exciting (and perhaps a little ridiculous) things we’re wishin’, hopin’ and prayin’ to see on Castle Season 5. Alright, it’s so not as good as the real thing, but it’s something, right?
6. Beckett and Castle’s Morning After
After a four seasons of build up, we just must see Caskett’s first pillow talk sesh!
5. Alexis and Beckett Become Besties
Besides both loving Rick Castle to bits, they also have that whole got-accepted-to-Stanford-but-decided-to-stay-in-NYC thing in common. We see potential for a great relationship here. We just hope Alexis doesn’t start taking fashion advice from Kate. Eesh.
4. Lanie and Esposito Get Back Together
So, like, we’re going to keep putting this on our wish lists until it actually happens, OK?
3. Beckett Returns the Sentiment
We know Kate Beckett’s in love with Rick Castle, but does he? And more importantly, is she willing to tell him?
2. A Move-In?
Call us crazy, but Castle and Beckett deciding to move-in by the end of Season 5 isn’t too much to ask, is it? Although we’d hate to see either of them give up their gorgeous lofts …
1. A Precinct Hookup
Since we all know Kate Beckett and the crime writer will find themselves back in the precinct, we think it’s only right they get frisky in the place that brought them together. Plus, now that they’ve graduated from eye-sex to real-sex, we doubt they’ll be able to keep their hands off each other. Somebody just needs to distract Gates!
FONTE: Wetpaint
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