TVLINE | Here you are, entering your first season with Rick and Kate as a couple…. How is that different for you?
Given where they are in their relationship, we’re looking forward to mining that fun. Everybody’s asking, did we reach some sort of conclusion at the end of last year? And to all of us it really feels like a new, fresh, fun beginning for these folks, because Castle and Beckett aren’t going to change who they are. They still get on each other’s nerves. And just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean it goes smoothly. There’s a finish line that they haven’t reached yet – how are they going to be able to get there? And what’s the roller coaster ride going to look like? Those are all the things we’re really excited to play with.
TVLINE | Exactly how much time will have lapsed when we pick up with the new season?
We’re picking up the morning after. It’s going to be the next day, and we get to see what that looks like and how they both reacted to her coming over and the decisions that she’s made and the situation that they now find themselves in. As with any great moment you have in a relationship, it can’t last, because real life intrudes.
TVLINE | Is it safe to say Rick has seen Kate’s tattoo?
I think it’s safe to say that Rick has seen Kate’s tattoo.
TVLINE | And Stana told me that we see Beckett’s bed finally – which actually answers a reader question I had.
The new relationships that we’re dealing with this year will allow us to really open up her character in a way that we haven’t been able to, because we’ve always been perceiving it through Castle’s eyes. Now that they’re in this relationship, it opens it up a great deal more — but that’s not to say that there aren’t still a lot of layers to the Beckett onion. She’s still a bit of a mystery and there are going to be certain things that she’s going to hold private — and that’ll be both a source of fun and contention as we move forward.
TVLINE | Between Rick and Kate, who would you say is the most affected by has happened?
I think it’s equal. Both sides are pretty affected.
TVLINE | Are they both equally psyched? Or is anybody having the tiniest of misgivings…?
I think every relationship is complicated and there is inevitably, in any relationship, a honeymoon phase. You certainly have a lot of anxiety in the beginning, because this thing has been built up in both of their minds for a long time. So really, how was it, and is this real? Those are issues that anybody who’s had this kind of dance, getting to that moment, is going to wrestle with. Kate’s biggest fear is that, if she and Rick hook up, he’s not going to be interested in her anymore.
TVLINE | Right, she needs to know that it meant as much to him as it meant to her.
If you remember, in the pilot she said, “What, so I can be another notch on your bedpost? I know you, you have a reputation as being a womanizer.” So what happens when you’re the woman who finally beds the womanizer? How far do you trust that? There is that insecurity, but then that insecurity can give way to bliss. But then the question is, is that bliss real as you move forward from your little honeymoon period and you’re dealing with the person as a person? That’s when things become more complicated and hopefully more interesting. You have that period where it’s the two of you against the world and you’re keeping this wonderful secret, and part of the reason why you want to keep it private is that it’s just so phenomenal. It’s precious and you want to foster it and you want to breathe life into those embe
TVLINE | But Kate’s not working for the NYPD right now, right?
Well, in the first episode, she’s not, but…. There’s not a show if she’s not investigating.
TVLINE | If “Secrets” was the theme to last season, what’s the theme for Season 5?
Let me think…. I think this season is the challenge of being together and what that looks like. I do retain the right to change my mind as we get in and we start to really see how people are responding. I mean, we have a couple of great scripts in front of us, but we’re just now seeing how Nathan and Stana settle into these roles and where some of that magic is. Some of our work behind the scenes as we go to address this stuff on the page is going to be informed by what’s working really well and what we feel like we can mine to bring the audience the most satisfying journey.
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