quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012
Spoiler - TV Guide
Since we didn't get a new episode of Castle this week, can I get some scoop instead? — Jackie
ADAM: Been waiting to see what would happen when Martha Rodgers and Jim Beckett get in a room together? You'll get your chance during November sweeps! Unfortunately, the family affair happens on the same night Castle and Beckett are stranded without their phones while protecting a witness from the mob. "There's some tension because they've had the 'meet the folks' dinner and it hasn't gone particularly well," creator Andrew W. Marlowe tells us. So, what's the problem? "It's about who Martha is versus who Jim is," Marlowe says. "It's a bit of oil and water."
Fonte:TV Guide
terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012
PCA 2013
E comecou a primeira fase de votacao do People's Choice Awards. Ano passado Castle e Nathan ganharam como Melhor serie de Drama policia e Melhor ator de drama.
Esse ano Castle, Nathan e nossa linda atriz, que infelizmente ano passado nao foi indicada, Stana Katic, foram indicados.
Essa fase de votacao e muito importate. Entao votem bastante. Pois dia 15 de novembro comeca a ultima etapa na qual so ficara os 5 mais votados.
Castle: Melhor Serie Policial de Drama
Nathan Fillion: Melhor Ator de Drama da TV
Stana Katic: Melhor Atriz de Drama da TV
P.S. Podem votar quantas vezes quiser, e nao precisa de cadastro.
segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012
[Video] Com Robert Duncan, compositor de Castle
Este video o Robert Duncan, compositor de Castle fala como faz as musicas usadas nos episodios de Castle. Confiram:
Episodio adicional
E Casketters, pra quem estava preocupada com a demo de Castle la vai uma otima noticia. A ABC comprou mais um episodio para a temporada. Pra quem nao sabe a 5 temporada tinha sido fechada com 22 episodios, mais agora tera 23. Conclusao: Se a serie estivesse indo mal, eles nao teriam comprado mais um episodio. E todos ficam felizes!!!
Fonte:Hollywood Reporter
Fonte:Hollywood Reporter
domingo, 21 de outubro de 2012
quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2012
terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012
Titulos episodios 5 temporada
Resolvi fazer esse post para postar os nomes dos episodios de Castle que sabemos ate agora. Tem ocorrido mudancas de nomes e ordem dos episodio, no qual deixou alguma pessoas perdidas. Confiram:
5x01: ''After The Storm''
5x02: ''Secrets Safe With Me''
5x03: "Cloudy With A Chance of Murder"
5x04: ''Murder, He Wrote''
5x05: ''Probable Cause''
5x06: ''The Final Frontier''
5x07: ''Swan Song''
5x08: ''After Hours''
5x09: ''Secret Santa''
Por enquanto so sabemos esses! Assim que for saindo, continuaremos postando os nomes!
5x01: ''After The Storm''
5x02: ''Secrets Safe With Me''
5x03: "Cloudy With A Chance of Murder"
5x04: ''Murder, He Wrote''
5x05: ''Probable Cause''
5x06: ''The Final Frontier''
5x07: ''Swan Song''
5x08: ''After Hours''
5x09: ''Secret Santa''
Por enquanto so sabemos esses! Assim que for saindo, continuaremos postando os nomes!
Castle episodio de Natal.
E o TV Line fez uma materia que alegrou qualquer um, nessa temporada tera um episodio de Natal. Isso mesmo, tera um episodio de Natal, no qual se chamara ''Secret Santa'' ( de acordo com os spoilers, sera o episodio 9 ). Confiram o que a TV Line falou sobre o episodio.
RELATED | Castle Recap: ‘Her Name Was Kate!’
The set-up: When a bearded man in a Santa suit carrying an ID reading “Kris Kringle” falls from the sky in Central Park, Castle, Beckett et al are on the hunt to find the person who killed the jolly gent. But in the course of their snooping, they learn — earmuffs, kids! — that this particular St. Nick may have been more naughty than nice.
RELATED | Castle Déjà Scoop: Nathan Fillion Faces Off With His One Life to Live Predecessor
And yes, somewhere amidst this less-than-merry murder investigation, Castle and Beckett prepare to spend their first Christmas together. The episode title, “Secret Santa,” meanwhile has us wondering: With one member of their crime-fighting clan already wise to the “Caskett” coupling, will it still be concealed from anyone come December?
RELATED | Castle Recap: ‘Her Name Was Kate!’
The set-up: When a bearded man in a Santa suit carrying an ID reading “Kris Kringle” falls from the sky in Central Park, Castle, Beckett et al are on the hunt to find the person who killed the jolly gent. But in the course of their snooping, they learn — earmuffs, kids! — that this particular St. Nick may have been more naughty than nice.
RELATED | Castle Déjà Scoop: Nathan Fillion Faces Off With His One Life to Live Predecessor
And yes, somewhere amidst this less-than-merry murder investigation, Castle and Beckett prepare to spend their first Christmas together. The episode title, “Secret Santa,” meanwhile has us wondering: With one member of their crime-fighting clan already wise to the “Caskett” coupling, will it still be concealed from anyone come December?
Fonte: TV Line
[Entrevista] Jon Huertas - Bolly Spice

Em relacao a Castle ele contou sobre Esposito e Lanie, e tambem sobre o Ryan. Aproveito tambem e comentou sobre seus colegas de trabalho, Seamus Dever, Stana Katic, Nathan Fillion e um pouco sobre Penny, Tamala, Molly e Susan.
Confira toda a entrevista aqui: Bolly Spice
Spoiler - Ausiello
Question: I need a Castle scoop! —Valentina
Ausiello: I know that many of you are fretting over the next episode, slated for Oct. 29 and titled “Probable Cause,” where, as the team’s investigates the beautiful victim of a ritualistic murder, Beckett begins to wonder how well she really knows her new lover. Well, I can offer two things: One, the empty platitude: “Keep the faith,” and two, the shiny object that is the guest-casting of All My Children alumna Alexa Havins (aka she of the interminable OLTL crossover baby switch storyline, and the equally turgid Torchwood: Miracle Day) as the deceased’s roommate.
Fonte: TV Line
Audiencia Castle 5x04 - Murder, He Wrote
Castle 5x04 ''Murder, He Wrote'': 10.94 milhoes de telespectadores
segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2012
[Entrevista] Andrew Marlowe - GMMR
Confira a entrevista que o Andrew Marlowe deu para o GMMR:
That’s a bit troublesome since that means they’ll be lying to cops. Obviously, the New York cops are their coworkers, but it’s not a good start.
AM: That’s right. It’s fun.
What has been the biggest surprise for the writers in putting these two together as a couple?
AM: I don’t know that we’ve been surprised yet. There are struggles that we knew about. We want to keep the banter between them. We want to keep the tension between them. That’s part of the challenge — to not make everything hunky-dory all the time and to make them real. Keep them real and organic and grounded.
And will the potential reaction from their coworkers help to keep that tension there? We’ve seen them take extreme lengths to keep their relationship quiet…
AM: I think we’ll have a couple good bites at that coming up.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: GMMR
That’s a bit troublesome since that means they’ll be lying to cops. Obviously, the New York cops are their coworkers, but it’s not a good start.
AM: That’s right. It’s fun.
What has been the biggest surprise for the writers in putting these two together as a couple?
AM: I don’t know that we’ve been surprised yet. There are struggles that we knew about. We want to keep the banter between them. We want to keep the tension between them. That’s part of the challenge — to not make everything hunky-dory all the time and to make them real. Keep them real and organic and grounded.
And will the potential reaction from their coworkers help to keep that tension there? We’ve seen them take extreme lengths to keep their relationship quiet…
AM: I think we’ll have a couple good bites at that coming up.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: GMMR
Episodio da semana: 5x04 ''Murder, He Wrote''
E o episodio de Castle dessa semana é o 5x04 ''Murder, He Wrote'' . Confira as informacoes:
Dia: 15 de Outubro de 2012
Hora: 10/9c (23:00 hrs no Brasil)
Canal: ABC
EM INGLES (sem legenda)
Links para assistir: http://ufreetv.com/abc.html
Sinopse: Os planos de Castle e Beckett para um fim de semana romântico nos Hamptons são interrompidos quando um homem quase morrendo tropeça no quintal do Castle e cai em sua piscina. Incapaz de escaparem da sedução de uma investigação, eles se juntam ao bem intencionado mas inesperiente cherife da pequena cidade para encontrar o assassino.
Dia: 15 de Outubro de 2012
Hora: 10/9c (23:00 hrs no Brasil)
Canal: ABC
EM INGLES (sem legenda)
Links para assistir: http://ufreetv.com/abc.html
Sinopse: Os planos de Castle e Beckett para um fim de semana romântico nos Hamptons são interrompidos quando um homem quase morrendo tropeça no quintal do Castle e cai em sua piscina. Incapaz de escaparem da sedução de uma investigação, eles se juntam ao bem intencionado mas inesperiente cherife da pequena cidade para encontrar o assassino.
quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2012
quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012
[Entrevista] Tamala - Backstage
Em entrevista ao Backstage, Tamala contou sobre como entrou em Castle e um pouco sobre sua carreira.
How did you get cast on "Castle"?
Tamala Jones: “Castle” came along right after the writer’s strike. During the writer’s strike it was dry season. So I had a meeting with my manager and agent and I was like, “We’ve got to step outside the box a little bit. Why don’t we ask around to see if they’ll let me come in even if the roles aren’t written for African-American actresses?” The casting director [for “Castle”], Donna Rosenstein, agreed to let me come in and audition. I literally was the only African-American actress there. The role was only meant to be guest star, possibly recurring if the show got picked up. So I did my thing. Fifteen minutes after I left, they were like “You got it.” You would have thought I won the lotto. I was so happy that I got a job.
How did you get cast on "Castle"?
Tamala Jones: “Castle” came along right after the writer’s strike. During the writer’s strike it was dry season. So I had a meeting with my manager and agent and I was like, “We’ve got to step outside the box a little bit. Why don’t we ask around to see if they’ll let me come in even if the roles aren’t written for African-American actresses?” The casting director [for “Castle”], Donna Rosenstein, agreed to let me come in and audition. I literally was the only African-American actress there. The role was only meant to be guest star, possibly recurring if the show got picked up. So I did my thing. Fifteen minutes after I left, they were like “You got it.” You would have thought I won the lotto. I was so happy that I got a job.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Backstage
Spoilers - TV Guide e E!
TV Guide:
I'm worried that Castle has nowhere to take Beckett now that her mom's murder has been solved. Make me feel better? — Valerie
ADAM: Stana Katic doesn't think you should be worried. "There's a certain amount of closure, but it doesn't mean that the tale is done," she says. In fact, Katic is finding it much more fun to play the "new" Beckett. "She's more lethal because she's thinking more clearly. She's not running on emotion anymore," she says. "She's become more dangerous to the bad guys." Sounds like Castle better stay in line!
Rsol90: Please can we get some scoop on Castle? Thank you.
A scene in the Christmas episode, titled "Secret Santa," will have a very romantic setup for Castle and Beckett. 'Tis the season for shipper heaven!
I'm worried that Castle has nowhere to take Beckett now that her mom's murder has been solved. Make me feel better? — Valerie
ADAM: Stana Katic doesn't think you should be worried. "There's a certain amount of closure, but it doesn't mean that the tale is done," she says. In fact, Katic is finding it much more fun to play the "new" Beckett. "She's more lethal because she's thinking more clearly. She's not running on emotion anymore," she says. "She's become more dangerous to the bad guys." Sounds like Castle better stay in line!
Rsol90: Please can we get some scoop on Castle? Thank you.
A scene in the Christmas episode, titled "Secret Santa," will have a very romantic setup for Castle and Beckett. 'Tis the season for shipper heaven!
terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2012
Audiencia Castle 5x03 - Secrets Safe With Me
Castle 5x03 ''Secrets Safe With Me'': 10.56 milhões de telespectadores
segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2012
Episodio da semana: 5x03 ''Secrets Safe With Me''
E o episodio de Castle dessa semana é o 5x03 ''Secrets Safe With Me'' . Confira as informacoes:
Dia: 08 de Outubro de 2012
Hora: 10/9c (23:00 hrs no Brasil)
Canal: ABC
EM INGLES (sem legenda)
Links para assistir: http://ufreetv.com/abc.html
Sinopse: Castle e Beckett investigam o assassinato de uma jovem e descobrem que a morte pode estar ligada a uma unidade de armazenamento disponível para leilão. A unidade está conectada à morte? Existe algo lá dentro tão valioso que justifique um assassinato? A investigação leva Rick e Beckett a uma caça ao tesouro conforme eles descobrem pistas ligadas à alta sociedade de Manhattan.
Dia: 08 de Outubro de 2012
Hora: 10/9c (23:00 hrs no Brasil)
Canal: ABC
EM INGLES (sem legenda)
Links para assistir: http://ufreetv.com/abc.html
Sinopse: Castle e Beckett investigam o assassinato de uma jovem e descobrem que a morte pode estar ligada a uma unidade de armazenamento disponível para leilão. A unidade está conectada à morte? Existe algo lá dentro tão valioso que justifique um assassinato? A investigação leva Rick e Beckett a uma caça ao tesouro conforme eles descobrem pistas ligadas à alta sociedade de Manhattan.
sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012
Spoiler - TV Line
Now that the episode has aired, what was the scene cut out of Castle 501 ? — @vikimousse
Ah, yes. The scene I saw them film during my set visit had Espo storming out of Beckett’s apartment when Ryan showed up to help with the Cole Maddox case, and Kate then reeling him back in. It’s a shame it got cut since it took many takes to get Esposito’s angry door-slam just right, but in hindsight the sequence probably made the character look too petty.
Sinopse Castle 5x05
While investigating a shocking ritualistic murder, Beckett and her team uncover surprising evidence linking Castle to the killing. As the evidence against him mounts, loyalties are tested. And when surprising revelations come to light, Beckett begins to wonder how well she really knows her new lover and partner of four years
terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2012
[Entrevista] Jon Huertas - Wetpaint
Em entrevista ao Wetpaint, o Jon Huertas contou sobre a 5 temporada de Castle.
"Oh my God, the death in Episode 4 is crazy!" she teased in an interview with The Insider. "It involves a rock group and it's the first time you'll see all the characters having to play to the camera [because] it's a rock documentary. As actors you're taught not to look at the camera, so we're all freaked out."
As far as we know, Episode 4, "Murder, He Wrote," takes Castle and Beckett to the Hamptons for a romantic weekend gone wrong. Our best guess is that Jon's rock band episode will air two weeks after that on Oct. 29 in Episode 6, "Swan Song." According to SpoilerTV, "Swan Song" features a band called Holy Shemp, whose guitar player, James Swan, is found dead.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Wetpaint
"Oh my God, the death in Episode 4 is crazy!" she teased in an interview with The Insider. "It involves a rock group and it's the first time you'll see all the characters having to play to the camera [because] it's a rock documentary. As actors you're taught not to look at the camera, so we're all freaked out."
As far as we know, Episode 4, "Murder, He Wrote," takes Castle and Beckett to the Hamptons for a romantic weekend gone wrong. Our best guess is that Jon's rock band episode will air two weeks after that on Oct. 29 in Episode 6, "Swan Song." According to SpoilerTV, "Swan Song" features a band called Holy Shemp, whose guitar player, James Swan, is found dead.
Confira toda entrevista aqui: Wetpaint
Audiencia Castle 5x02 - Cloudy With A Chance of Murder
Castle 5x02 ''Cloudy With A Chance of Murder: 10.33 milhões de telespectadores
[Entrevista] Tamala - The Insider
Em entrevista ao The Insider, a Tamala contou sobre a 5 temporada de Castle, do seu relacionamento com Esposito, que podem até se envolver. Contou tambem sobre um episodio de Castle, episodio 4 que sera estilo um documentario ( nao é o episodio de Hamptons, pois as ordens dos episodios mudaram ) , que eles ate tiveram que gravar olhando pra camera e que foi uma experiencia bem legal.
Leia a entrevista toda aqui: The Insider
segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2012
Participacoes em Castle
Armin Shimerman e Christina Moore participaram do episodio de Castle baseado no Comic-Con.
Confiram todas as informacoes aqui: TV Guide
Confiram todas as informacoes aqui: TV Guide
Episodio da semana: 5x02 ''Cloudy With A Chance of Murder''
E o episodio de Castle dessa semana é o 5x02 ''Cloudy With A Chance of Murder'' . Confira as informacoes:
Dia: 01 de Outubro de 2012
Hora: 10/9c (23:00 hrs no Brasil)
Canal: ABC
EM INGLES (sem legenda)
Links para assistir: http://ufreetv.com/abc.html
Sinopse: No primeiro dia de Beckett de volta de sua suspensão, ela e Castle entram no mundo obsceno da televisão local quando uma repórter do tempo é encontrada morta. Como se entrar nessa indústria de facadas nas costas e ambições desmedidas não fosse difícil o suficiente, eles precisam fazer isso escondendo seu relacionamento dos colegas de trabalho.
Dia: 01 de Outubro de 2012
Hora: 10/9c (23:00 hrs no Brasil)
Canal: ABC
EM INGLES (sem legenda)
Links para assistir: http://ufreetv.com/abc.html
Sinopse: No primeiro dia de Beckett de volta de sua suspensão, ela e Castle entram no mundo obsceno da televisão local quando uma repórter do tempo é encontrada morta. Como se entrar nessa indústria de facadas nas costas e ambições desmedidas não fosse difícil o suficiente, eles precisam fazer isso escondendo seu relacionamento dos colegas de trabalho.
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