quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

[Entrevista] Tamala - Backstage

Em entrevista ao Backstage, Tamala contou sobre como entrou em Castle e um pouco sobre sua carreira.

How did you get cast on "Castle"?
Tamala Jones: “Castle” came along right after the writer’s strike. During the writer’s strike it was dry season. So I had a meeting with my manager and agent and I was like, “We’ve got to step outside the box a little bit. Why don’t we ask around to see if they’ll let me come in even if the roles aren’t written for African-American actresses?”  The casting director [for “Castle”], Donna Rosenstein, agreed to let me come in and audition. I literally was the only African-American actress there. The role was only meant to be guest star, possibly recurring if the show got picked up. So I did my thing. Fifteen minutes after I left, they were like “You got it.” You would have thought I won the lotto. I was so happy that I got a job.

Confira toda entrevista aqui: Backstage

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